
internalGPS® Professional Coach: How Story Making Is Scary

Have you noticed how story telling is everywhere now? I think the marketing gurus and politicians all figured out how we are hard wired for patterns and patterns are stories. I love a good one too, what I don’t love is how my brain (or mind) can immediately make up a story that is not based on any real fact and then the especially sneaky thing is that I get rewarded with a shot of dopamine for that story whether […]

Putting the Happy in Happy Holidays!

This time of year can bring up so much comparison. Comparing what is to what was in my own past, comparing what is versus what I see on those holiday commercials, comparing to my friend’s pictures of their holiday cheer on Facebook, comparing to what our friends or family are planning and doing and how their houses look or don’t look, there is no shortage of comparison! And it can take the happy right out of this time of […]

A Great Tool If Your internalGPS Has You Lost

A common way that I get lost and my clients get lost is in feeling confused or overwhelmed with large amounts of data or many different options. One of my favorite tools for cutting through the confusion is a mind map. I found this great mind map (pictured below) of all the different benefits and uses of a mind map on Flickr, click on this link to see the detail,  The Mind Map by Zapckr on Flickr. The simple process […]

How My Experience As a Cashier Has Made Me Happier & More Productive 3

I know from experience that a lot of people don’t even look you in the eye, let alone talk to you, when you are a cashier. I see it now, when I watch people in the coffee place or at the store, they’re too busy talking to their friend, looking at their phone or just somewhere far away in their mind. It is easy to not even notice them. My prior years as a cashier gave me the gift […]

What Compelling Image Is Pulling You? 2

“Real motivation is that drive from within, you have a compelling image inside, not a travel poster on the wall.” – Dennis Waitly I coach and speak about creating a vision. A big clear and compelling vision that gets you (and your team) excited. It may start with a poster on a wall or a challenge from a customer or boss or something else externally but it will take flight if you internalize it so that it is truly […]