Continuous Process Improvement

Coaching For Likability: More Than A Popularity Contest

In my first “real job” at Motorola, I and a coworker had a project to improve the cumbersome process for materials that were rejected for some reason or other and waiting on disposition from one of the Engineers. It was decades ago but I can still see and hear the strain in this little old man who ran this little room (picture a large walk-in closet with a half gated door with a hunched over little man who liked […]

Your internal GPS’s Current Location: Where Are You Today? 3

You need to know your current location first in order for your internal GPS to work. This is the first step in my coaching model. In a series of four posts I’ll write about each step in the model: Where are you now? Current location – Today’s post What are your irresistible destinations? – Next week How do you overcome obstacles – January week1 Celebrating progress and success – January week2 There are several steps I go through with […]

Making Friends With Trouble 1

“If I had a formula for bypassing trouble, I would not pass it around. Trouble creates a capacity to handle it. I don’t say embrace trouble; that’s as bad as treating it as an enemy. But I do say meet it as a friend, for you’ll see a lot of it and you had better be on speaking terms with it.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes Note that he states not to embrace trouble, like you really want it. Or […]

Coaching Yourself to Extraordinary Results By Being & Doing Your Strengths

If you have been reading my weekly blog for awhile you know how much I love to write about the power of using your strengths and focusing on the positive. I’ve listed some of my prior blogs below with links if you are a new reader or if you want to do a quick review. As I learned about my strengths (and continue to learn) I realized that the real value (and transformation to extraordinary results) comes when you […]

Curiosity Cured the Cat: Navigating to Success with Curiosity

It is unfortunate that one of our American idioms- curiosity killed the cat- is fear-based and encourages us to stay put.  There is so much power and enjoyment in shifting to an inquisitive attitude that encourages new discoveries and an open mind. It is possible to grow your inquisitive skills through practice and shifting of your thoughts to become more curious.   Use of these skills will make your path to success more interesting and enjoyable and may even shift […]

Opening Your Mind to Paths to Success 4

Have you ever discovered that your assumptions were more like obstacles than tools on your path to your destination?   Sometimes we have to make assumptions based on our experience but unfortunately these assumptions can also cause obstacles and challenges if they go unexamined.  Or they are assumptions held deeply in our belief system and we do not even realize that they are there. Crystal Daigle is a local artist here in the Phoenix area; I recently attended her creativity […]

Coaching to Focus on What is Going Well for Success with less Stress 2

Ok, it is impossible to ignore the pile of torn up cardboard, paper, and broken glass in the middle of the kitchen floor from the dog’s rebelliousness while you were out (this was my afternoon today).  But you can clean it up quickly and then focus on more productive actions.  Or you can rant and rave about it for awhile and let it ruin your mood for the rest of the day.  It is a choice.   Choose to take […]

Five Strategies to Drive Past Fear & Navigate to Success 8

1. Silence the Critic Many people have a critical inner voice that plays constantly in their heads. Some very successful people actually credit their success with this inner critic. It clearly can be a strong driving force toward success but it is most likely accompanied by harsh judgment and fear that can have the opposite affect of success or make the success never feel good enough and filled with misery. Unfortunately, I have experienced this first-hand and continue to […]

How do you navigate to success with Powerful Questions? 7

It is important to me that reading this is a good use of your time and a means to a conversation (via comments).   As I talked with friends, family, and former colleagues, there were more questions than answers about what this BLOG is and/or should be.  So, this first post is about the goals for this blog and the skill of asking powerful questions.  Goals of this BLOG Share useful information for more success with less stress. Spur thinking, mine and yours. Keep […]