Monthly Archives: August 2009

Acknowledgement Power in Jury Duty? 3

Earlier this week I had the experience that we all get periodically when we become adults; we usually whine and complain when a summons for jury duty arrives in the mail.  The last and only other time I had jury duty was at least ten years ago.  I expected a similar experience this time but I was pleasantly surprised that it was better.   One of the key differences was a video that explained the process and emphasized how important […]

How Do I Clarify My Purpose? 1

In last week’s post I wrote about the importance of defining your purpose in order to create a strong personal foundation and navigate to success.  This post is dedicated to helping you figure out what your purpose is.  If it is already crystal clear to you then congratulations; please post a comment on how you reached this clarity!  If you have not given it a lot of thought or you have some “fogginess” around what your true purpose is then […]

What is your Purpose? 2

  It is imperative to have a clear purpose about why you are here.  Without this clarity you will wander amongst opportunities and challenges and then one day ask your self, “How did I end up here?”  As a leader, if you do not have a clear purpose, your ego may get in the way of making key decisions and undermine your authenticity (see last week’s post).   Your purpose statement serves as your internal GPS to guide you in […]

Leading Authentically to Navigate to Success 2

Are you an authentic leader?  Are you authentic to yourself?  I used to think I was authentic but I was in denial.  I did not understand my purpose well and how it aligned with my corporate position and I did not truly connect with many of the people in my prior corporate organization.  It took some big steps (leaping from the corporate world was one of the biggest) to align my authenticity and I continue to work on it. […]