Monthly Archives: December 2009

Coaching to Create Space for Success with Less Stress 2

What does coaching have to do with creating space?  Well, I have found that creating space both physically and mentally will enable you to be more innovative and productive.  I tend to create small paper piles on my desk (sometimes they grow to be big piles).  When I look at the pile I get the nagging feeling that I need to go through it and decide what needs action or just filing.  This nagging feeling is subtle yet persistent and it […]

Coaching Through the Holidays: Presents of Prescence 4

The holidays can be a joyous time and a stressful time or a stressful time with no joy.   It is so easy to get caught up in all the things we feel we must do: shopping, wrapping, year-end tax decisions.    My holiday coaching challenge is to stay present in each moment.  Focusing on the current moment sounds easy but it is not something that comes naturally.  Our brains automatically start going through all the items we still have on […]

Coaching For Navigating to Success: It’s the Little Things 1

I’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions.   Do you remember yours from last year? Are they the same ones you made the year before?  It is better to have annual goals than not have any at all, but I have found more success by focusing on daily habits versus annual goals.  If you want to transform your life then change the little things you do every day.  They add up and compound.  Understanding and transforming daily habits are a […]