Monthly Archives: October 2010

Using Your internalGPS to Give Back to Your Community

Have you heard of Muhammad Yunis?  He was an economics professor in Bangladesh who realized that there were a lot of people just around the corner from his classroom that were living in poverty. He asked a woman who was weaving beautiful baskets (for a dealer) why she did not just purchase the bamboo herself and she explained that she could not afford the $.025 to purchase it. She made just enough to barely feed her family. He found […]

Ignite Your internalGPS With Different Perspectives

On Oct 15th I went to see my first “Ignite Phoenix” event, it is their 8th production here in the valley. The evening consists of 18 different people presenting their ideas in 5-minute presentations with 20 slides that automatically change every 30 seconds. It was quite entertaining and inspirational. The event is put on by the Phoenix Innovation Foundation, “a non-profit organization that provides educational and community building events in the Phoenix metropolitan area. A small team of volunteers […]

Using Your internalGPS to Exercise Your Courage 2

As a 22-year old fresh out of college I had to give presentations to mostly male, many with military backgrounds, most twice my age, audiences at the Motorola Government Group. My knees were knocking and I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest. A kind colleague suggested Toastmasters. It was a life saver. The repetitive “thinking on your feet” skill practice helped me with my speaking and in my work for the rest of my […]

Using Your internalGPS To Be Your Best You

I was just telling a client of mine to be herself for an upcoming interview and then I saw this great post from Chris Brogan (linked here). When something resonates a few times during the week I figure it is worth sharing. Why Not You? It is often alluring to mimic or imitate someone else who appears to be doing well and has “got it going on” when you don’t know what to do or feel a lack of […]