Monthly Archives: March 2011

Coaching the Power of Words 2

Words are so powerful, especially the words we do not verbalize. My coaching clients consistently have opportunities to become more aware of their internal words and then to change them. This week I learned some great new words for doing just that. Life (and Golf) is At Least 80% Mindset I went to a great golf clinic (as part of WomenOnCourse, a wonderful networking group) this past week that was all about mindset; there was no mechanical instruction at […]

Empowering Little Gestures 2

Last week I took my very dirty car to the car wash; I was glad that I remembered to take it in on Tuesday. Every Tuesday is “Ladies Day” at Danny’s Family car wash (link has locations) and they give me a small discount. Imagine my surprise when the cashier rang up the regular price with no discount! “Isn’t there a discount since it is Tuesday?” I asked. She thought a minute and then said, “But it is Wednesday.” I […]

Coaching Through Rude Behavior 1

I was tired from working late the day before but went into the office early to try and get some overdue actions done while it was quiet and before my staff arrived and the next 8 hours of back to back meetings started. I made the mistake of answering the phone; the male voice asked how I was and then launched into a description of some product that I had no need for at all. “How did you get this […]

Mardi Gras, Rules and Freedom

I took a bit of a risk posting this picture but I think it speaks volumes about our freedoms that we sometimes take for granted. It arrived in a text message this past weekend with the words, “Happy Mardi Gras!” I later learned that this sign was held along side chants of “Show me your tits” with colored beads flying everywhere and more chants of “You will burn in hell.” Diversity and freedom on many extreme levels! As crazy […]

Coaching To Slow Down 2

“Smile, breath, and go slowly” – Thich Nhat Hanh Sometimes in our world of technology and many choices of different stimulations it is easy to become overwhelmed and rush from one thing to the next. My last post on mindfulness was about being in each moment and noticing the things around you. This week it’s all about slowing down (just a little). How do I slow down when I’m overdue on this project, have a list of a 100 […]