Monthly Archives: April 2011

Coaching For Leadership with Creativity & Innovation

A couple of weeks ago I had the good fortune of hearing a great expert on the subject of creativity in the business world. Dr. George Land of the Farsight Group started his speech with a powerful statement from a study done of a large group of CEO’s: “Innovation and creativity are the two most important leadership qualities necessary in the next five years.”  And he went on to tell us that the U.S. council on competitiveness made a […]

Coaching the Joy of Ordinary Moments

Several moments happened over the past couple weeks that made me think about this topic: – I read my sister’s post on Facebook, “Is it strange that I get so much joy from a freshly swept garage?” – A feeling of pure enjoyment while dancing in my Mom’s family room with my 7-year old niece while my 4-year old nephew banged on his new electric drum set. – My wonderful man-love (this is better than boyfriend), helped unplug my […]

Revealing the Secrets of the Big Corporate Buyer

This is a special post to let you know that I’ll be giving a speech, “Growing Your Sales: Revealing the Secrets of the Big Corporate Buyer” on April 20, 2011 (next week)! One of my small “secrets” is to really do your homework on the business you are selling in to. “Well, duh, that is no secret!” you may be thinking. But sad to say, in my corporate buying experience I built up a level of disdain toward salespeople […]

Your internalGPS is Unique to You 3

“You are unrepeatable. There is a magic about you that is all your own…” – D.M. Dellinger One of the benefits of getting older is growing into the peace of accepting who you are and letting go of trying to be something or someone that you are not. Of course, keep growing and learning and improving but acceptance of who you are today is always the best starting point. Acknowledge Your Communication Style Preferences Last month, I did a […]

Coaching For No With Your internalGPS

Just Say No This is easier said than done to new opportunities and critically importanty for effective time management and success. If I keep saying yes, then I end up cleaning up a mess of disappointment. It also applies to managing your time with your team. Here are some of my coaching questions to deal with saying no. What Is Your Criteria? How do you determine whether you will say yes or no to a new opportunity? One of […]