Monthly Archives: May 2011

Coaching Yourself for Wisdom & Power

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” – Lao-tzu My internalGPS coaching model begins with understanding your current location. Looking within is the first step. You need to do this in order to understand the perspective and lens you are using to look at the world and to learn where development is needed for alignment with your strengths and values. Blind Spots Your blind spots are areas that […]

Coaching For Growth & DisComfort

I had the absolute pleasure of coaching a team of corporate sales guys (with one gal) this past week. Over two days of intensive Team Advantage kick-off work (my page linked), we laughed so much that my stomach muscles hurt. This team really knows how to both have fun and work hard (see my prior post, “Playing for Extraordinary Results…linked here). This was a bit of a surprise from the pre-meeting interviews with them and their leader. They had […]

Coaching Your Brain: Mindfulness, Happiness & Being Indispensable

Did you know that you can shift your brain to be happier and by being happier you will be seen as more indispensable to those around you? Your Brain’s Set Point My friend and inspirational Coach, Marcia Reynolds (her site linked) put this article up on her FaceBook post this past week, “Want a Happier Brain? Try Mindfulness” by Dan Goleman. He explains that neuroscience research has shown that we each have a set point in our brains that […]

Coaching Who You Are 2

“It’s where we go, and what we do when we get there, that tells us who we are.” – Joyce Carol Oats It is so easy to get pulled into doing, doing, doing and not realize that who you are being or where you are going is no longer really you. Take a moment and look at where you went and what you did over the past week or so. Do these activities represent who you are or who […]

Coaching For Fast Failure

In last week’s post, I wrote about was “failing fast” for strong innovation (linked). It is critical to become comfortable with doing brand new things, taking risks and yes, failing, if you want to be more successful and grow. Experimenting! One way to minimize the negative feelings that come with failure is to take an “experiment” approach. If you think of it as an experiment and let go of your attachment to the need to be successful then you […]