Monthly Archives: September 2011

Listening To My internalGPS & Letting Go

  “Sometimes we have to walk away from everything that has meant security for us in order to reach our dreams” – Stacy Allison–The first American woman to summit Mt. Everest Several years ago, I ended a long marriage that had become miserable and then a couple years ago, I walked away from my big paycheck, big corporate office, and big title to follow my dream. But this was not everything. I still had my big luxurious house. I’m in […]

Positive Thinking & Affirmations Caused Big Malfunctions in My internalGPS 2

What? One of my most popular speeches is called, “Using your internalGPS to Stay Positive & Productive in Difficult Times.” Yet, I strongly believe positive thinking and affirmations are dangerous and can keep you stuck in denial for a long time. It did for me. I was unhappy in my marriage and in my career and kept driving forward with a smile pasted on my face and positive affirmations that I would repeat as a mantra in my head; […]

Get Out of the Middle & Take a Stand 4

In my last post I explained that at the National Speaker’s Association (NSA) convention, two themes emerged for me: Be true to who you are and Take a Stand. Taking a stand means that some people will not like you, they may even hate you. For me, this is scary. One of my strengths is harmony and I would love if everyone loved and respected everyone else and tolerated their differences. Unfortunately, this is not reality and in fact […]