Monthly Archives: July 2012

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: “What You Are About To See Is Intense…”

I met Sean Stephenson at a National Speaker’s Association workshop that I attended a few months ago. The workshop was focused on how to increase your sales so I was really focused on this aspect of my business during those few days. Sean was a participant in the workshop (not a leader or speaker) but I started  paying close attention to his statements whenever  he shared because his examples and learning from his business were so impactful. One of […]

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Play 2

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” – Plato In the Team Advantage coaching process that I use with teams and have seen transform teams in just the short 2-day kick off meeting (that is only the start), we set it up for play from the moment they walk in the room. There are brightly colored toys on the tables, fun music is playing, and there are only […]

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Uncovering Your internalGPS

“We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.” – Jean Huston A couple years ago, when I was facilitating a leadership program for young women at a University in China, it quickly became apparent that I had a lot of work to do to convince the students that they had many of their answers inside of them. They so desperately wanted me to tell them exactly what they were supposed to do. One of the most impactful […]