Monthly Archives: December 2012

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: The Gifts That Keep On Giving

Every day is a gift, some gifts are just best better than others. As I go into my 50th day in the hospital caring for Walt, I sometimes have to fight off the feeling that it is just one more day of these same walls, the same cafeteria, the doctors doing more tests, the same sad looks on Walt’s face as the guy I love is lost in his struggle of maintaining some level of faith that he will […]

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Simplicity 4

I was reminded this week of a term we used in my prior corporate days: “KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid!” “It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.” – Bruce Lee In my Coach training I went through a process of looking at all the things during my day (both personal and work time) that I “tolerated.” The challenge was to come up with 100 of these things that did not add to my […]