Monthly Archives: January 2013

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Just Surviving?

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” – Maya Angelou What would you include in your life mission that takes you from surviving to thriving? I like Maya’s ideas and I’d add some fun and creativity in there too. Give yourself some time this week to think about what you want in your life and work to continue or increase […]

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Worse, Same or Better? 2

How are you doing/feeling? Compared to last week, yesterday, last month, last year; are you worse, the same or better? Comparisons to others are dangerous and draining, but I always encourage my clients to compare to themselves to assess where they are on their journey of thriving or after their latest negotiation or completion of a big project. Was the result about the same, worse or better than the last negotiation or project? If not better then what would […]