Monthly Archives: May 2013

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Are Your Eyes Aligned with Thriving? 2

Do you understand the messages you are sending with your eyes and how they impact your thriving? You may undermine your influence by focusing more on your electronic device or by looking down when you are forming your answer. If you hold direct eye contact you will come across as confident in your position (or whatever you are discussing), while if you pause and shift your gaze downward you will communicate weakness or disinterest. Also, if you continually focus […]

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Do You Have A Stress Pile?

I worked through a stressful situation with a client once that I could empathize with all too well. It was her pile. The pile itself was not the cause of her stress, it was all of her thoughts about the pile. “What is in there that I should have taken care of?” “How am I going to deal with it if I am late on something in that pile?” “What problems are lurking in that pile that I have […]

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: How To Avoid Sapping Your Energy 2

One of the most powerful things I learned from my Coach training was how to look at my day to day habits and/or activities and identify what is sapping my energy. It sounds obvious enough, but you know how easy it is to get into “auto” mode in your daily routine. If you don’t pay attention, next thing you know it is Friday and the whole week as gone by and you wonder, “How did I get here?” Or […]

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: How to Trade Words for More Thriving 2

One of the areas that I talk about in my coaching and negotiations workshops is the power of language and how switching a few words in your communications or thoughts can have a big impact on thriving. Here are some of my favorites: Instead of saying, “I don’t care” say, “I am not attached (to that opinion, that idea, etc…)” Shift your thinking from, “I have to….” to “I get to….” Rather than say, “You should do….” say, “What […]