Monthly Archives: August 2013

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: Five Mistakes That Undermine Belonging

One morning at the small gym where I do my exercise “torture” there were a couple new faces on the treadmill next to me. They came in and didn’t say a word. I debated about whether to say anything; maybe they’re happy in their silence? I decided to say good morning. They each smiled and replied back with a good morning too and I felt better that we had that small connection. It doesn’t feel like much, but when […]

Thursday Thoughts on Thriving: What You Think Is None of My Business

“It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes.” – Sally Field Sometimes, in my preparations to give a speech, I catch myself in a spiral of concerns about whether the audience will like my points or if what I’m saying will resonate at all or if the information I share will be relevant enough for them and on and on. In the best of times, I catch the spiral before it goes too […]