Monthly Archives: December 2013

Putting the Happy in Happy Holidays!

This time of year can bring up so much comparison. Comparing what is to what was in my own past, comparing what is versus what I see on those holiday commercials, comparing to my friend’s pictures of their holiday cheer on Facebook, comparing to what our friends or family are planning and doing and how their houses look or don’t look, there is no shortage of comparison! And it can take the happy right out of this time of […]

Three Ways to Undermine Trust in a Personal or Business Relationship

1. Try and make them feel better by giving an example of how much worse it could be.   Business Example: “The failures of your product on our manufacturing line are causing us large increases in scrap costs.” A horrible reply would be, “Well it could be much worse, we could not be delivering at all” or “The failures are even worse over at company B.” Personal Example: “I am so upset, I just found out that my friend […]