Monthly Archives: January 2015

Coaching Strong Leaders: Vulnerable Leaders Are Authentic Leaders 2

I purchased this necklace when I was on a business trip in Singapore. It was years ago, but I remember how I felt like it was yesterday: scared and vulnerable. I was in a big leadership role with big expectations and a big staff reporting in to me. I felt like I was supposed to have all the answers, know what to do and have it all together all the time. My reality was far from this “supposed to” […]

Courageously Following my internalGPS® with Help From Dr. Brené Brown 2

It is often easier to see another person’s need to shift or change their path than to see your own; sometimes it takes time away to see which way to go. I’m happy to be back and would love for you to continue with me here, reading and commenting on my posts! I’m still very aligned with my mission: internalGPS® is the resource for business leaders and professionals who want to live the life of their dreams. The shift […]