Business Leadership Coaching

internalGPS® Executive Coach: Letting Go & Building the New!

My brain so easily goes to what is wrong, what didn’t happen, what I didn’t do, what I don’t have…Even after learning that this is a natural neurological “downward spiral” that the brain/mind is prone to do I can’t stop it nor my frustration with myself that I am doing it again. It is better. Better than last month and even better than last year. And I let go. I let go of unrealistic expectations that I should be […]

internalGPS® Professional Coach: Being Lost Toward Self Awareness 1

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” – Henry David Thoreau I love this quote because I’ve experienced this myself and I’ve had the honor of being on the lost path with clients who begin to understand themselves better. It always leads to more wisdom, so this quote by Aristotle is another favorite: “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle It’s only recently that I recognized the immense value of all the […]

internalGPS® Professional Coach: How Story Making Is Scary

Have you noticed how story telling is everywhere now? I think the marketing gurus and politicians all figured out how we are hard wired for patterns and patterns are stories. I love a good one too, what I don’t love is how my brain (or mind) can immediately make up a story that is not based on any real fact and then the especially sneaky thing is that I get rewarded with a shot of dopamine for that story whether […]

internalGPS® Coaching: Letting Go & Rising Strong™ 4

I make it a tradition every year to let something go; it’s more fun and productive than those crazy resolutions. I gave those up a long time ago, thank God. Things I’ve let go of in the past: “Being a runner” No running for me, if you have that runner’s high then more power to you, I’m a bit envious! Diet coke. I used to drink it a lot, starting first thing in the morning. Oh it makes me […]

Happy New Year 2017! Happy New internalGPS® Coaching Website! 2

Happy New Year 2017! It is starting out with a bang over here at internalGPS® ! I am thrilled to be writing this post on my recently updated-with-lots-of-love website! And this is just the beginning. More to come later on that. Click HERE if you’re curious about the new site and want to look around a bit. I am still doing some clean-up and rearranging on the new site, just as if I’ve moved into a new home. Most of […]

internalGPS® Coach: Finding Your Daring Way In Tumultuous Times 1

It is a challenging time in our US political space; how do you stay centered and courageous in the midst of (this or other) turmoil? I often think of Steven Covey’s “circles of influence, concern” that I learned about decades ago. It gives me a way to let go of the frustration/anxiety with things that are out of my span of influence and re-focus on those things that I can influence or control, like voting. Here are some other resources […]

internalGPS® Coach: How to Be Powerful and Classy 1

I read this Wired article, “Taylor Swift Is The Queen Of The Internet” last week and it inspired me to write this post. Here are four steps to program your internaGPS® to be powerful and classy: 1. Own Your Value and Power You have power through your character (confidence, trust, authenticity, integrity) and power that is based on what you’ve accumulated via assets or position (money, societal or organizational influence). Think about the pop/movie stars and organizational/political leaders who […]

internalGPS Coach: Finding Your Way To Better 2

It comes natural to me, imagining things better. Not to imply that anything is bad, just that I regularly catch myself imagining them better. It happens in little ways like my friend’s ladder to look over her block fence at the neighbor’s yard. My imagination was filled with an interesting yard with beautiful plants and an area for the big pig that she had heard grunting (the reason for looking). I was surprised to see the brown over-grown mess […]

Coaching For Likability: More Than A Popularity Contest

In my first “real job” at Motorola, I and a coworker had a project to improve the cumbersome process for materials that were rejected for some reason or other and waiting on disposition from one of the Engineers. It was decades ago but I can still see and hear the strain in this little old man who ran this little room (picture a large walk-in closet with a half gated door with a hunched over little man who liked […]

Coaching Connections with Your internalGPS: Baseball Leads to Smarter, Healthier & Happier Teams

This time of year in Phoenix always brings up memories of Spring Training Baseball games. My first experience was decades ago when my boss invited my work-team out to a game. I was not all that thrilled. I had a lot to do and was not a big fan of baseball; it was one more thing getting in the way of my ability to get everything done.  Thankfully, I was talked into going and as I was enjoying the […]