Business Leadership Coaching

internalGPS® Professional Coach: Expansion! 2

It’s hard to believe that the second quarter of 2017 has started, I’m amazed. The first quarter went fast. Lately I’ve been busy with a long to-do list that sometimes wakes me up around 3AM; I know I’m not alone in this swirling of items to be done invading my sleep, right? I’m grateful that I can now minimize my time awake by : 1. Thanking my mind for the reminder with a smile and/or 2. I write it down on a […]

internalGPS® Professional Coach: One Little Thing for Big Improvements

I know it sounds too good to be true, just one little thing and it will give me big improvements? Really?!  Yes, I just did it yesterday. I was stuck. In traffic. It was ugly. No way to escape the jam of autos. I could feel my blood pressure starting to rise, my shoulders tensing. Ugh! Then I remembered what I share with my clients (whenever I say it I am thinking about how I am saying it to remind myself […]

internalGPS® Coach: Finding Your Daring Way In Tumultuous Times 1

It is a challenging time in our US political space; how do you stay centered and courageous in the midst of (this or other) turmoil? I often think of Steven Covey’s “circles of influence, concern” that I learned about decades ago. It gives me a way to let go of the frustration/anxiety with things that are out of my span of influence and re-focus on those things that I can influence or control, like voting. Here are some other resources […]

internalGPS® Coach: How to Be Powerful and Classy 1

I read this Wired article, “Taylor Swift Is The Queen Of The Internet” last week and it inspired me to write this post. Here are four steps to program your internaGPS® to be powerful and classy: 1. Own Your Value and Power You have power through your character (confidence, trust, authenticity, integrity) and power that is based on what you’ve accumulated via assets or position (money, societal or organizational influence). Think about the pop/movie stars and organizational/political leaders who […]

internalGPS Coach: Finding Your Way To Better 2

It comes natural to me, imagining things better. Not to imply that anything is bad, just that I regularly catch myself imagining them better. It happens in little ways like my friend’s ladder to look over her block fence at the neighbor’s yard. My imagination was filled with an interesting yard with beautiful plants and an area for the big pig that she had heard grunting (the reason for looking). I was surprised to see the brown over-grown mess […]

Coaching Connections with Your internalGPS: Baseball Leads to Smarter, Healthier & Happier Teams

This time of year in Phoenix always brings up memories of Spring Training Baseball games. My first experience was decades ago when my boss invited my work-team out to a game. I was not all that thrilled. I had a lot to do and was not a big fan of baseball; it was one more thing getting in the way of my ability to get everything done.  Thankfully, I was talked into going and as I was enjoying the […]

Coaching Strong Leaders: Authentically Programming Your internalGPS to Avoid Rough Terrain

A few weeks ago, I posted about “Coaching Strong Leaders” and how being vulnerable increase your authenticity as a leader. Unfortunately, if done the wrong way it can backfire and do the opposite of what you intend. I once knew of  a leader who encouraged me and others to be more open and sharing and yet he did not demonstrate this at all. This made him come across as a hypocrite and undermined his trust with me and the […]

Coaching Strong Leaders: Vulnerable Leaders Are Authentic Leaders 2

I purchased this necklace when I was on a business trip in Singapore. It was years ago, but I remember how I felt like it was yesterday: scared and vulnerable. I was in a big leadership role with big expectations and a big staff reporting in to me. I felt like I was supposed to have all the answers, know what to do and have it all together all the time. My reality was far from this “supposed to” […]

Courageously Following my internalGPS® with Help From Dr. Brené Brown 2

It is often easier to see another person’s need to shift or change their path than to see your own; sometimes it takes time away to see which way to go. I’m happy to be back and would love for you to continue with me here, reading and commenting on my posts! I’m still very aligned with my mission: internalGPS® is the resource for business leaders and professionals who want to live the life of their dreams. The shift […]

Coaching for Failure Skill Building

Sometimes I think I’m on one path and then find out I’m on a completely different one, learning things I really did not expect. For example, I started down this path of accomplishing a pivotal goal. A pivotal goal is one that accomplishes multiple things in multiple areas. This goal was more personal than business and yet I am sharing it here because I’ve experienced (and seen my clients experience) more business success by also setting and accomplishing personal […]